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Marketing Tips, Tricks and Trends for 2023

December 21, 2022
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Fancy staying on top of the game for 2023? We’ve collected a list of predicted trends to help you plan for 2023 and stay ahead of the marketing game. As customers become more distrustful of the products and services they buy, businesses must prepare for a global cost of living crisis in 2023.

Businesses must be transparent about their core values while continuously researching or tweaking their strategy in the coming year. It means businesses need to know the upcoming trends, plan and take advantage of any new developments. Without further ado, let us get into the list…

1. Video

With social media platforms pushing video content, it is not shocking that videos are one of the marketing biggest trends for 2023. Did you know that 86 percent of businesses use video as a marketing tool, and 92 percent value it as a vital part of their strategy? Companies use video for various reasons, with the top being explainers; these are short-form videos offering valuable information. Followed by social media videos and presentations. The top three channels companies use are YouTube, LinkedIn and Instagram. Videos are expected to skyrocket in 2023 as online behaviour swings to a more predominantly video-based sector.

2. Curated Content

A trend that is expected to grow is Curated Content. While businesses focus significantly on creating original content, focusing on curated content, which is sharing content from others in a curated manner, can also be effective. If the content is relevant, it can drive conversations and demonstrate that your company is interested in solving an issue or sharing information rather than just selling.  

Types of helpful content you can share include:

  • Industry news
  • Third-party research
  • Press releases or announcements
  • Interviews (video and blogs)
  • In-depth features
  • Podcasts

3. Google Competitors Are Rising

Newly released data from Google shares an important reality. Google rarely mentions competitors, but this past year, it shared that 40% of Gen Z prefers TikTok and Instagram search to Google. This is one of the first times in Google’s existence that it faced formidable competitors it couldn’t crush, and it’s safe to assume that it views this as a serious threat. As mentioned previously, social media sites such as TikTok and Instagram now offer a user-friendly platform to help users answer questions and find brands in a way never seen before. Expect this trend to accelerate more in 2023 and cross the boundaries from Gen Z into other age groups.

4. Influencer Marketing

It’s no surprise that influencer marketing will continue to grow throughout 2023. As of now, it’s responsible for bringing in, on average, $5.20 for every $1 spent on this type of marketing.

What was once only used by a handful of marketers is now being used by almost every digital business. Influencers offer a great platform to showcase products and services through what feels like a personal relationship between viewer and influencer. 

However, businesses should be careful when deciding what type of influencers they need for their brand. Companies can fall short with this type of marketing because they need to choose the right individuals with a relevant audience or reach in their sector. 

5. Email Marketing

Email marketing for product launches and small businesses has become more influential in 2022, and it is expected to continue thriving into 2023. Email marketing is one of the best marketing methods currently being used. Almost everyone has an email account, making it highly accessible for brands and businesses to connect with their customers.

6. People Take Over Robots

Before, SEO professionals tended to write for search engine robots alone. Writing for people came in second (Core DNA, 2020). Google caught up, and search results are now returning web pages focusing on people. As consumers, this is good. This is very good. However, you should also catch up when you have been in SEO for quite a while.

Google, or any veritable search engine, aims to provide relevant search results to users. Of course, you should too. That is why when you put up content to rank, they should also be content that helps.

This is why sites that try to answer users’ questions better than anyone else rank higher than those that do not. Also, you should be wary of bad fonts or font sizes.

So there we have it. Our takes on the marketing trends in 2023 to look out for and implement in 2023. So, have a sit-down and ponder which ones are best for your company, and if you fancy giving Email Marketing, don’t forget to add Geek to your mailing list; just no spam, please.

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