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Meta Ads Agency in Peterborough

When we talk about Meta, we are referring to both Instagram and Facebook Ads, as they are ultimately the same process when conducting Ads on both social media platforms. Still, we decided to break them down into their respective social media platform to save confusion.

Meta Ads Agency in Peterborough

When we talk about Meta, we are referring to both Instagram and Facebook Ads, as they are ultimately the same process when conducting Ads on both social media platforms. Still, we decided to break them down into their respective social media platform to save confusion.

Facebook Ads

Two-thirds of the entire UK population are Facebook users; to put that into perspective, that is 500,000 active users within the Cambridgeshire population and 575,000 active users in the Bedfordshire population. The extensive range of users makes it effortless for businesses to find their niche demographic amongst the active users. Facebook has evolved and transformed into a formidable force in growing your brand awareness and engagement through ads.

How much do Facebook Ads cost, I hear you ask? The beauty of Facebook is that you can spend what you want; however, we recommend £10 for every 100,000 population. Facebook Ads don’t cost you an arm and a leg- if you don’t want it to. You would usually start small on the cost per day and then refine the campaign and target audience until the Facebook algorithm learns your campaign. The price of Facebook Ads comes down to the audience you are targeting, how relevant it is for that audience and the competition; by competition, we mean those who are also in the same sector as your business and if they are also targeting the same demographic.

What are Instagram Ads?

Like Facebook, Instagram ads appear throughout the app, including in users’ feeds, Stories, Explore, and more. They look similar to usual posts but always contain a “sponsored” label to indicate that they are an ad. They also often have more features than regular posts, such as a call to action (CTA) button and product catalogues.

The great thing about Instagram is that you can spend as little or as much as you’d like. Here at Geek, we usually recommend at least £25-£30 daily for a local area. The broader and less “focused” your target audience is, the higher the cost per acquisition.

How do Meta Ads work?

Well, let’s say your business is a gym. Through your research, you have learnt your niche audience is women aged 25 to 45 based in Cambridgeshire. Therefore, you will target your ads to female users, either on Facebook or Instagram, based in Peterborough and Cambridgeshire. Through the algorithm learning what your ad is and through precise targeting, your ad will reach your desired audience. They will react to your ads’ call for action — whether this is to drive traffic to your website or engage with a product or service.

Ads vs Organic

Not so fun fact time; The average organic reach of a Facebook post is only 5.2%! Your target audience is unlikely to see your posts without paid Facebook ads, no matter how hard you try. At Geek, we suggest and implement that businesses begin to combine and optimise organic reach strategies with paid meta ads. The reason for organic posts is reputation management for your company; the more regular your company posts on social media, the more reliable and engaged you look to your customers.

When constructing a Meta Ad is essential to question: What is the ad trying to achieve, and where is your target audience? Meta Ads are cheaper than almost every alternative on average. You can target previous customers, website visitors, and specific demographics. It has more options for ads and ad types.

Facebook or Instagram?
Why not both?

Fun fact! Facebook bought Instagram back in 2012 for a cool $ 1 billion. And in 2019, Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg created Meta. Meta encompasses all Facebook-owned companies and sites, so the Meta umbrella covers Instagram. You can use Meta Business Suite for both Instagram and Facebook Ads! They work in tandem with each other and, when used together, can create a powerful campaign. On top of the ability to use them together, the cost of the ads per click across both platforms is negligible in price difference.

Interested in having a chat?

Before we can discuss the potential of Facebook Ads, please have answers prepared for these questions so that we can offer a fully bespoke Facebook Ad strategy:

1. What is your sell process outside of Facebook

2. Who is your target audience?

3. How broad, geographically, is your audience?

4. What is your marketing budget outside of Facebook?

To get a better understanding of digital marketing, download our free pdf document.


    Display Ads

    Advertising placements on websites, social media platforms, and other digital channels, often incorporating images, videos, and interactive elements, to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to a website or landing page.

    Search Ads

    Paid advertising placements that appear alongside or within search engine results pages, targeting specific keywords or search queries to increase visibility and drive traffic to a website or landing page.

    Shopping Ads

    Advertising placements that appear alongside or within a search engine and other digital channels, featuring images, prices, and further product details, to promote and sell specific products to online shoppers.


    Improving the visibility and ranking of a website in search engine results in pages through various techniques and strategies to increase organic traffic and improve user experience.


    Written content, such as advertisements, marketing materials, and website copy, designed to influence an audience, generate leads, drive sales, and build brand awareness.
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