Brand guidelines intend to act as a guide for Regency’s team – ensuring that when creating branding collateral for Regency, it is consistent and, at its core, represents Regency wholly. By developing the branding in this document, we hoped to improve all future designs that come from Regency. Small changes like swapping the typeface of the body copy for a higher quality one made an enormous difference, guaranteeing that one of their core pushes, professionalism, is felt throughout the website and branding.
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Times New Roman
Regency decided to keep their logo, and we had to ensure that the brand identity was consistent with it, so we found that the font used in their logo was, in fact, Times New Roman. It’s a font we all know, and whether you love it or hate it, the font has stood the test of time and has been fine-tuned since it was created in 1931.
Fully Responsive

Logo Animations
When we began this project, the only file we had of the logo was a small PNG and was, therefore, pixelated when we needed to scale it up. We recreated the logo as a vector to ensure that it could be scaled up as large as you want without ever losing quality. Using this file, we could then create a logo animation which Regency could use as the website loads or in an advert, for example.
Lazy Loading
This refers to the way that objects load onto the page when you get to them rather than loading onto the page right from the start. This can speed up the initial loading speed of the page, and also, if you add a smooth animation to it, it can give the page some motion in a subtle way.
Lazy Loading
This refers to the way that objects load onto the page when you get to them rather than loading onto the page right from the start. This can speed up the initial loading speed of the page, and also, if you add a smooth animation to it, it can give the page some motion in a subtle way.
Light & Dark Mode
Introducing Light & Dark mode to their website ensured optimal visibility, reducing eye strain in various environments. Using this, you can adapt to your preferences seamlessly for a comfortable browsing experience. Toggle the switch in the bottom left to witness the difference.
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